Can This Tool Help You Better Understand the Bible?

bible study tools
logos, logos bible software

"I don't understand the Bible! What should I do?"

Of all the questions I get, this is the most common. For so many people, the Bible is difficult to understand, and they don't know how to change that.

One of the main goals of my channel is to help people understand the Bible better and see it with an entirely new set of eyes. (In fact, I'm working on a resource now that will hopefully do this in a very big way!)

Well, today I want to share with you a resource that I've been using for the last 5 years that has indelibly changed how I study the Bible. You've probably heard me talk about it before. It's called Logos.

Logos is the most exhaustive Bible Study resource I have ever seen. Imagine combining all possible Bible study tools and embedding them into one powerful computer program. That's Logos!

In fact, recently, Logos gave me an advance copy of their new Logos 10 software to review. I have spent time each day using it both for my personal Bible study, and as a research tool for upcoming videos. Below are the features that I found most helpful, and that I believe would benefit you the most in your personal study if you were to use Logos yourself.*

In fact, if you'd like to download Logos, or are interested in purchasing one of their packages, just click here.

#1 - Search and Speed

Having used previous versions of Logos, I can easily say that there have been significant upgrades to the software's speed and search abilities. Everything runs incredibly fast and smoothly. Within seconds of typing in a search term or clicking on a video file, you are ready to start studying.

The search tool itself is quite intelligent and easy to use. For example, type in the word "Zealot" and Logos will bring up dozens of articles, books, maps, scripture references, and other resources in your library. You could write an entire college paper just using the results of a basic search. 

#2 - Factbook Tags

Factbook tags make it incredibly convenient to research names, places, and other key words as you are reading scripture. For instance, when you read in 1 Samuel 17 that the Philistine champion is Goliath of "Gath," you can simply hover over the word "Gath" to bring up a brief description of this location. And if you click on the word "Gath," a variety of resource options will appear, such as maps, scripture references, and various articles. 

What makes this so helpful is that, in just a few clicks, you can learn so much information about an unfamiliar term or topic. And better yet, you don't even have to leave the scripture you're studying in order to do it. Logos will simply place the search in a different tab and column.

This tool is also helpful, even if you're not intending to do in-depth research on a term. For instance, when hover over the name "Herod" in the story of the death of John the Baptist, the Factbook Tag will indicate that this is "Herod Antipas," quickly clarifying which of the many Herods mentioned in scripture is appearing in this story. 

#3 - Adding Print Resources to Your Library

This is my absolute favorite new feature in Logos. Over the years, I have collected a vast library of print resources. My shelves are full of books that are not in my Logos library. 

With Logos 10, you can now add your printed resources to your digital library. Now, this does not give you a full digital copy of the book. But it does allow you to do something incredibly helpful: it makes searching that book so much easier.

For instance, you might have picked up several of the books I have recommended by Lois Tverberg and Ann Spangler. And you know that, in one of those books, they talked about how it wasn't uncommon for rabbis at the time of Jesus to have female disciples. But you can't remember which book it was in.

Well, once you have added these print books to your Logos library, you can simply search for "female disciple" and Logos will find that phrase in your library, quickly informing you that this term appears in Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus. In some cases, Logos will even be able to tell you the exact page number to go to.

This has made research so much easier. So often, I remember a fact, but can't remember where I read it. Logos now makes the solution to that problem as simple as a few keystrokes.  

#4 - A.I. Translation

While this may only apply to a small portion of people, it is a powerful tool that is worth mentioning. Logos 10 now utilizes A.I. technology to quickly translate almost any resource into another language.  All you have to do is highlight the text and a translate icon will appear. This is excellent if you are part of a multi-lingual ministry, or if English is not your first language. It make  Logos a tool that is accessible and beneficial to almost anyone in the world.

#5 - Mobile App

The Logos mobile app is definitely the version of this tool that I use most regularly. Whether I am looking up a passage on my phone or doing my morning Bible study at my kitchen counter, I find this to be the most convenient form of Logos to use.

With the release of Logos 10, the mobile version has gotten some improvements that make it even better to use. It is now much easier to link passages and resources together so that, as you read through a text, your commentaries, books, and other resources follow along. This way, when you get to a verse that seems hard to understand, or that really grabs your attention, your commentary and other tools will already be set to that verse, ready to give you more information. This has long been a feature on the desktop version, and is now much easier to use on the mobile version.

Additionally, the mobile version is now designed in a way that is much more attractive and user friendly. It feels intuitive, and important tools are easy to find.

Is it worth it?

So, should you purchase Logos 10

Honestly, the answer to that question will be different for everyone. Logos is the best Bible study software I have ever used. However, it can be expensive, depending on what package you purchase. 

My recommendation would be to at least download the FREE Logos Starter version. This is a great way to explore the software. It may not have all of the features I mentioned above, but it will have many of them. You can check it out here.

If you'd like to see all of the Logos options, you can find them here. I've actually been surprised at how significant their discounts are right now — much cheaper than I remember. And if you're purchasing Logos for the first time, you can select 5 free resources, including a variety of commentaries.

In the end, I think Logos is an incredible tool for studying the Bible. And in the coming months, I'm going to be putting together some videos that will make it really easy to use this software and get the most out of it. I truly think it could transform the way you study the Bible. And, ultimately, that's what I want to help you do. If there is a book, a show, or a piece of software like this that can help you overcome the hurdles many people face when reading scripture, I want to share it with you. And I think this is a good one!



*All of the above are my personal opinions. Logos is not sponsoring this post. In full disclosure, though, links to purchase Logos are affiliate links. They both give you a discount and help to support this ministry.

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