The CISTERN Is the Key to Understanding The Chosen S3E5

gospel of mark the chosen

The cistern that Gaius and Simon are fixing during episode 5 of Season 3 of the Chosen is actually the key to understanding the entire episode!

Now, I know what you’re thinking: you’ve got to be kidding, right? So much happened in this episode!

The healing of Veronica!
The resurrection of Jairus’s daughter!
Eden’s miscarriage.

It’s easy to see how the events involving Simon and Gaius could almost get lost in all of that. But it is actually this act of repairing the cistern that shows us what we really need to understand about these events.
And when we see all of this through the lens of the context, history, and scriptural connections of these key moments, it will become so much clearer!

So, if you’re interested in seeing those connections and diving deeper into this event, then join me for this episode of The Chosen Explained.

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