This Explains Why Jesus Says You are BLESSED When People HATE You

gospel of luke hate misreading scripture

Do you ever feel like some of the things Jesus says are really confusing?

Like when he says that we have to hate our parents and family in order to follow him?

Or when he refers to a woman as a “dog”?

Or about when Jesus says this… “Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.” (Luke 6:22)

Does he really mean that?…that we are BLESSED when people hate and reject us? That can’t be it!…or can it?

Well today, I’m going to show you several words in this statement that will open your eyes to what Jesus is REALLY saying here!

So if you want to find out what they are, then join me for this episode of Misreading Scripture.


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