You Will NEVER See this MIRACLE the Same Way Again | Mark 5 | Beyond the Words

beyond the words gospel of mark

So many people want to read the Bible but don't know how to begin. It's hard to understand. Things don't make sense. My plan is to help you change that.

In this new series called "Beyond the Words," I'm going to reveal for you the history, context, and other details that will bring scripture to life in an entirely new way, and help you feel like you can understand it as never before.

This week, we're going to look closely at Mark 5. In this chapter, you'll see Jesus perform 3 miracles, all of which are connected. One of these miracles is so rich with meaning that it's not an exaggeration to say that it blew my mind! I will never see this familiar story the same way again!

...and I have a feeling neither will you! I'm really excited about this series! Thank you so much for taking the time to watch!

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