You Won’t Believe What “Faith Without Works is Dead” REALLY Means | James 2 | Beyond the Words

beyond the words bible study james

You won't believe what "faith without works is dead" REALLY means!

For most of my life, I have heard sermons about this verse. I've studied it in groups.

Often, this verse leads to a conversation about what really matters in our relationship with Jesus: faith or works?

What we believe? Or what we do?

Is James contradicting Paul when he says that "faith without works is dead?"

Well, the truth is, when James makes that statement, he actually has something very specific in mind, something he is focusing on throughout his entire letter. And this week, we're going to learn what that is.

The video that you're about the watch is part of an in-depth Bible Study resources I created on the book of James. This course includes...

- 7+ hours of teaching
- 100+ page study guide
- 10 lessons that guide you through each chapter of the Epistle of James
- One 1.5 hour LIVE Teaching and Q&A with me each month.
- Access to PREVIOUS LIVE Teachings
- Deep Dive into each chapter of James
- Learn about who James is, who he is writing to, and why these things matter so much!
- Learn what James REALLY means when he says "Faith without works is dead" - Discover why this may be one of the most important books of the Bible
- Learn how to apply each lesson TODAY!

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