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BEWARE These False Teachings About the Bible adam and eve bible false teachings misreading scripture pentecost revelation

Are these some things that you’ve been taught about the Bible that are honestly just…false!

Things like how we all get heavenly mansions…
…or that Revelation predicts the future.

Because the truth is, some of these false teachings can DRAMATICALLY impact our faith?

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BEWARE These 4 Bible Study Mistakes that MOST People Make bible bible study bible study tools


There are at least FOUR mistakes that most people make when they read the Bible!


They’re simple, basic things, maybe even things that someone told you to do at some point. But they are things that can not only cause you to totally misinterpret what the Bible is...

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These 5 STRATEGIES will TRANSFORM Your Next BIBLE STUDY beyond the words bible bible study bible study tools

I’ve been studying the Bible practically my entire life, and there’s one thing I’ve learned…it’s not always easy. Sometimes the meaning of a passage is perfectly clear, and other times, you could study it for hours and never make sense of it.

But over the years,...

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