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5 Things I Wish I'd Known BEFORE Reading the Gospels easter misreading scripture

There are a LOT of things I wish I’d known before I started reading the gospels!

The more I study the Bible, the more I realize that there are so many details in the New Testament that were familiar to Jesus’ audience, but have been forgotten over the past 2,000 years.

Whether it...

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The 10 Most MISUNDERSTOOD Passages in the Bible | Misreading Scripture christmas easter misreading scripture

Are there passages you’ve been misunderstanding your whole life? Familiar passages that you thought meant one thing, but actually mean something totally different?

Like, did Jeremiah really say that God has a plan for you?
Did Jesus really tell you to hate your family?
Did three wise MEN...

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6 Strange Moments that Prove the Resurrection MUST Be True | Mark 16 | Beyond the Words beyond the words easter gospel of mark

The Easter story in Mark’s gospel is strange.

I know that might sound awful to say - but it’s true. So many crazy things happen in the events following Jesus’ death.

From the fact that his enemies are entrusted with his body… To the fact that the witnesses to the...

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