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How Jesus Worshiped ā›Ŗ (Youā€™ll Wish Your Church Did This ONE Thing!) holy land inside the holy land worship

You’ll be surprised when you learn how Jesus worshiped each week!

Some of the things he did may seem very familiar…others will look completely different. And some of these practices will be things you’ll wish your church would start doing THIS Sunday!

Want to know what they...

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Archaeologists Discover the Battle Site of David and Goliath! david and goliath holy land inside the holy land

David and Goliath.

It is one of the most well known stories of the Bible. It’s been depicted in movies, printed on t-shirts, acted out by vegetables. It’s the classic story of good vs. evil, of the weak vs. the strong.

Well, not long ago, archaeologists uncovered proof of where...

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This BIBLICAL Site Changed History. Now It Has Been FORGOTTEN! beyond the words holy land pentecost

This may be one of the most important spots in the Holy Land…but you’ve probably never heard much about it.

It’s a place that millions of people walk by each day. Thousands have stepped foot upon it and had no idea where they were, what happened beneath their very feet.


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This Place CHANGED How I See One of Jesus' Most Famous PARABLES holy land misreading scripture

Not long ago, I had the opportunity to travel to Israel for the first time.
Throughout my life, people had told me that Israel is the 5th gospel, it gives you an entirely new perspective on the Bible. But I’ll be honest: I was skeptical.

Would it live up to the hype?

Well this ONE PLACE...

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I Was NEVER the Same after Learning 3 FACTS that Jesus KNEW (but we DONā€™T) gospel of mark holy land idioms misreading scripture

I was never the same after learning 3 facts that JESUS knew…but most of us don’t.

You see, even though I’m a pastor, even though I’ve been to seminary, even though I’ve studied the Bible for years, throughout my life there have been a lot of passages in the Bible...

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This SPOT in the HOLY LAND forever changed how I read the Bible! holy land misreading scripture

This spot in the Holy Land changed how I read the Bible.  

Not long ago, I had the opportunity to travel to Israel for the first time. Throughout my life, people had told me that Israel is the 5th gospel, it gives you an entirely new perspective on the Bible.

But I’ll be...

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You Will Never See the 10 Commandments the Same Way Again 10 commandments holy land misreading scripture

This video will forever change the way you see the 10 Commandments!

I know that sounds like a bold claim. But the things I am about to share with you are things that have forever impacted both how I imagine this moment, and understand what these commands really mean.

For most people, the 10...

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How I Was HEALED in the DESERT of Israel healing holy land miracle testimony

I was healed in the desert of Israel. I know that you might immediately have questions and skepticism over a statement like that. And let me tell you, I’m still trying to understand it all myself.

While I’ve prayed for miracles throughout my life, I’m not sure...

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