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4 Mistakes that Could Ruin Your Next Bible Study beyond the words bible study bible study tools

Are there mistakes you’re making that could be ruining your Bible Study?
Things that are making it hard to understand a passage?
Or are keeping you from understanding how it applies to your life?

And are there simple things you could to do prevent these mistakes that would start to...

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The Bible Says This Happens Just Moments AFTER DEATH beyond the words heaven hell

What happens in the first moments after you die?
Where do you go?
What does it feel like?

This weekend, a new movie is releasing called “After Death." It’s a documentary about the experiences of those who have died and come back to life.

One thing that is so fascinating...

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Why Do Christians Eat FLESH & Drink BLOOD? | Communion Explained beyond the words communion eucharist

One evening, Jesus is sitting down with his disciple and he says “Eat my flesh…and drink my blood. Do this to remember me.”

Now, as Christians, we generally just accept these words without much question. This is the basis for Holy Communion. And despite our denominational...

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The HIDDEN MEANING in the LORD'S PRAYER beyond the words lord's prayer sermon on the mount

What if I told you that there is more to the Lord’s Prayer than you thought, that Jesus doesn’t just want us to memorize these words and pray them rotely, but that this is a guide for how to pray when you don’t know what to pray?

What if I told you that Jesus’ words here...

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These 5 STRATEGIES will TRANSFORM Your Next BIBLE STUDY beyond the words bible bible study bible study tools

I’ve been studying the Bible practically my entire life, and there’s one thing I’ve learned…it’s not always easy. Sometimes the meaning of a passage is perfectly clear, and other times, you could study it for hours and never make sense of it.

But over the years,...

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Why I Started the Beyond the Words Community beyond the words community

Since the very beginning, when my YouTube channel really started to grow, I’ve known that the mission of my channel and this ministry has been to help people grow in their relationship with the Lord, and specifically in their ability to understand the Bible.

Because when we better...

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Jesus Says This ONE Thing Could Send You to HELL (& How to AVOID It) beyond the words disciples misreading scripture

Jesus says that this ONE particular thing could send you to hell...and most people worry that they won’t be able to avoid it.

Let me ask you, have you ever been confused and concerned by this passage:
Jesus says, “If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you...

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This BIBLICAL Site Changed History. Now It Has Been FORGOTTEN! beyond the words holy land pentecost

This may be one of the most important spots in the Holy Land…but you’ve probably never heard much about it.

It’s a place that millions of people walk by each day. Thousands have stepped foot upon it and had no idea where they were, what happened beneath their very feet.


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6 Strange Moments that Prove the Resurrection MUST Be True | Mark 16 | Beyond the Words beyond the words easter gospel of mark

The Easter story in Mark’s gospel is strange.

I know that might sound awful to say - but it’s true. So many crazy things happen in the events following Jesus’ death.

From the fact that his enemies are entrusted with his body… To the fact that the witnesses to the...

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The #1 REASON Many Christians CAN'T Experience ETERNAL LIFE | Mark 10 | Beyond the Words beyond the words gospel of mark

What is the number one reason many Christians can’t have eternal life?

Well, in this video, I’m going to show you what Jesus says is one of the biggest, if not the biggest reason people cannot experience heaven…something that almost prevents his own DISCIPLES from entering.


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6 Things You Didn't Know About the Birth of Jesus | Beyond the Words | Luke 2 beyond the words christmas gospel of luke

The birth of Jesus...

If you’re like most Christians, it’s a story you’ve heard at least once a year throughout your entire life. It has been read in church. Depicted in movies. Perhaps you feel like you know it so well, you could recite it on command.

But what REALLY...

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