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6 Strange Moments that Prove the Resurrection MUST Be True | Mark 16 | Beyond the Words beyond the words easter gospel of mark

The Easter story in Mark’s gospel is strange.

I know that might sound awful to say - but it’s true. So many crazy things happen in the events following Jesus’ death.

From the fact that his enemies are entrusted with his body… To the fact that the witnesses to the...

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The #1 REASON Many Christians CAN'T Experience ETERNAL LIFE | Mark 10 | Beyond the Words beyond the words gospel of mark

What is the number one reason many Christians can’t have eternal life?

Well, in this video, I’m going to show you what Jesus says is one of the biggest, if not the biggest reason people cannot experience heaven…something that almost prevents his own DISCIPLES from entering.


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6 Things You Didn't Know About John the Apostle bible characters disciples the truth about...

John... One of Jesus’ closest disciples... Author of 5 books in the New Testament... The disciple that Jesus loved...

But is there more to John’s story? Things we don’t notice when we read scripture? Things that might completely surprise us?

Well, in this video, I'm going to...

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6 Things You Didn't Know About Joseph, Father of Jesus bible characters christmas the truth about...

Who was Joseph? What do we know about the man who adopted Jesus?

Surprisingly, the answer is: more than you think!

This week, I'm going to reveal to you 6 things you probably didn't know about Joseph!

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6 Things You Didn't Know About the Birth of Jesus | Beyond the Words | Luke 2 beyond the words christmas gospel of luke

The birth of Jesus...

If you’re like most Christians, it’s a story you’ve heard at least once a year throughout your entire life. It has been read in church. Depicted in movies. Perhaps you feel like you know it so well, you could recite it on command.

But what REALLY...

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You Won’t Believe What “Faith Without Works is Dead” REALLY Means | James 2 | Beyond the Words beyond the words bible study james

You won't believe what "faith without works is dead" REALLY means!

For most of my life, I have heard sermons about this verse. I've studied it in groups.

Often, this verse leads to a conversation about what really matters in our relationship with Jesus: faith or works?

What we believe? Or...

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This Place CHANGED How I See One of Jesus' Most Famous PARABLES holy land misreading scripture

Not long ago, I had the opportunity to travel to Israel for the first time.
Throughout my life, people had told me that Israel is the 5th gospel, it gives you an entirely new perspective on the Bible. But I’ll be honest: I was skeptical.

Would it live up to the hype?

Well this ONE PLACE...

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6 Things You Didn't Know About Peter bible characters disciples the truth about...

Peter is probably the most well known of all of the disciples. He is the first to declare Jesus as the Messiah...

...and also the first to be called Satan by Jesus.

He’s a disciple so familiar, and yet, are there things about him that we don’t know?

Things between the lines and...

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What Was Jesus’ REAL Name? | Beyond the Words | Mark 1 beyond the words gospel of mark

So many people want to read the Bible but don't know how to begin.
It's hard to understand. Things don't make sense.
My plan is to help you change that.

In this new series called "Beyond the Words," I'm going to reveal for you the history, context, and other details that will bring scripture to...

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6 Things You Didn't Know About Mary Magdalene bible characters disciples the truth about...

Mary Magdalene.

Who was she?
A former prostitute?
A part of Jesus’ inner circle? His wife?

These are the legends that have appeared throughout history. But what does the Bible really say?

What can we learn about this woman from just 12 verses in the Bible?

Well, the answer is: more...

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You Will NEVER See this MIRACLE the Same Way Again | Mark 5 | Beyond the Words beyond the words gospel of mark

So many people want to read the Bible but don't know how to begin. It's hard to understand. Things don't make sense. My plan is to help you change that.

In this new series called "Beyond the Words," I'm going to reveal for you the history, context, and other details that will bring scripture to...

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The REAL Reason John the Baptist Was Killed - Mark 6 [Beyond the Words] beyond the words gospel of mark

So many people want to read the Bible but don't know how to begin. It's hard to understand. Things don't make sense. My plan is to help you change that.

In this new series called "Beyond the Words," I'm going to reveal for you the history, context, and other details that will bring scripture to...

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